My how times have changed. The first year, no one knew who I was, but if you wanted to find me I was be-bopping everywhere. This year... I have a schedule and a pretty hectic one. These are not all the events I'll be attending, these are simply the places I've committed to being as and author.
Tuesday (I will probably get in around 1:30. It might be a bit later as I have a doctor's appointment that morning--crappy scheduling choices FTW!)
- 7PM-- Dinner with the Australian contingent (offsite) Thanks for the invite, ladies! You rock!
Wednesday (I don't think I can officially "check-in" until today, so sometime in the morning, I'll be grabbing registration stuff)
- 2:15-3:15-- Writing Under Multiple Names (writer panel) in DaVinci A&B
- 4:45-5:45-- Build-A-Hero Workshop (reader panel) in International D (Note: At least one cover model is supposed to be there to help out!)
Thursday (aka busy-ass day number 1--I'm also pitching in here somewhere)
- Club RT (there is some confusion over what time, it may be 11:15 or it might be 1:30 or even 2:00--I'll update as soon as I see the official program)
- 2:45-3:45--Steampunk Gaslamp Gathering (reader event) in O'Hare A, B, & C (Do NOT miss this one. There will be snacks and costumes and a fashion show. People who attended last year loved it. And... at least one cover model will be there as well.)
- 4:00-6:00--Signing at the E-book expo (GunShy, Badlands, and Pretty Souls will be available to buy through All Romance E-books. In addition, I'll have print copies of Pretty Souls to sell and sign.)
Friday (aka busy-ass day number 2)
- 10:00-11:00--Plotters, Pantsers, Plotsers (writer panel) in LaGuardia
- 11:15-11:45--Club RT appearance
- Afternoon--Photo shoot with VLC Photography! (offsite)
- 5:00-7:00--Carina Press author party (offsite)
Saturday (At this point... I'll sleep when I'm dead. Actually I may sleep in the morning :P)
- 6:15-7:15-- Fan-Tastic Day Party (reader event) in Rosemont
- 8:00-9:00-- Carina Press Cocktail Party (They are giving away an iPad 2--maybe 3?--at this event!)
In addition to all of that, places where I'll be to support friends and have fun (for at least part of the time) include:
- Wednesday-- Ellora's Cave Step Up & Stomp Party (9-12) and the YA Midnight Slumber Party (11:45-1)
- Thursday-- Clan McFae Faery Ball (8:30-12)
- Friday-- Heather Graham's Night of the Stars Party (9-12)
- Saturday-- Giant Book Fair (10:45-2), SOS Military Mixer (3:30-4:45), Candy & Spoons (5-6), Harlequin Dance Party (9-12)
Hope to see you there!
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